Isabelle’s blog

Scroll down to get on my waiting/ mailing list and access early bird coupons and dates of workshops a week before everybody else !

Latest news from my encaustic studio

Join now to receive exclusive early bird offers throughout the year.

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Some Kind of Magic


Wilderness is not a luxury

but a necessity of the human spirit.


Edward Abbey



Last week end, a wonderful group of creative women gathered up, in a very special place in the heart of Connemara.

There we learned, we shared and experimented and spend time creating while laughing and taking time for ourselves, what a blessing this was !

Despite the rough year 2020 came to be, with lockdown and general doom and gloom, they demonstrated that  the human spirit in action is the most amazing sight to behold and that the power of Art and beauty can transcend it all, I am in awe !



A shift towards abstraction

I love abstract paintings, because they tell stories without words and resonate deep within the creator and viewer of the painting.  they speak or shall I say, ‘sing’ straight from the heart and soul .

This year, and I noticed especially during that particular art retreat, I have witnessed participants  daring to venture in the abstract realms and soaking in the delights of unveiling their own style through abstraction. Would it have been the location? Connemara is reputed for its incredible ‘otherworldly’ inner light which radiates from every hill, stone wall or hidden valleys and lakes.



My job really was to share with them  ‘the rules’ of encaustic paintings and the vocabulary of abstraction to bring them gently in this journey of self-discovery and what incredible artworks they created !


So today, I am dedicating this blog post to all of you ladies ( and rare gents who come to my workshops, you do matter too !) and I would like to honor the beautiful artists you all are by showing off some of the works created during this special event, bathed in the light of Connemara.

This is only a tiny glimpse of the numerous gorgeous artworks and daring experimentation that they have created.

I hope it will inspire you!


Some studio news

The online courses have had a lot of interest and the places are filling rapidly ! the doors are closing soon ( 19th December) so grab your space quickly !

My Spring schedule of encaustic workshops and art retreats will be live via my website VERY SOON, with workshops in Dublin and East Clare and two more retreats in Connemara and the Burren…so get on the waiting list and avail of the early bird offer !

I feel so blessed and honoured to do what I do, by sharing space, in the flesh and now online  with such daring and incredible people and sharing their journey by interacting  and supporting them all.


Something I have learnt in 2020…

these crazy weird times have allowed us all to discover what matters the most,

i.e. what makes our heart sing and what makes us feel alive and on fire…

and encaustic painting is a good place to start !



So keep lighting my world  beautiful, spirited beings and I hope our light will meet in  2021 !

I look forward meeting some of you in 2021 and share with you blissful moments of sheer unbound creativity !

Don’t forget to share the encaustic love to anyone you would think may be interested into trying their hands at this amazing process and do not hesitate to drop me a line if you wish to know more!

Have an inspired week end !





PS: I regularly post my artist process, free encaustic demonstrations, and what fires me up along the way on my blog. If you wish to be notified by email, please subscribe to my mailing list, thank you!




Seduced by Light

My first memory is of light

the brightness of light

light all around.

Georgia O’Keefe


The call of the Sea

I woke up early this Monday morning.

The autumn light was streaming through the blinds and I could smell the sea air, which was very strange by itself, considering that the sea is about 1 hour and an half drive from my home by the shores of Lough Derg .

Yet, there are time when the salty breeze crosses the land and reaches me. And when this happens, there is only one thing left to do…cancel all things of no matter , jump in the car and drive until her salty shores for a splash or two.

That Monday, I actually had a reason, or an excuse to ramble on. One of my former student  had messaged me to let me know she was setting up her encaustic studio in Recess in the heart of Connemara.

Being a curious creature by nature, I was terribly excited to see her set up.

That was the excuse I needed.. if I ever needed one.


An adventure

So I set myself on an adventure for the day, armed with dog and picnic.

This was going to be a good day.

Once you drive past Oughterald on the N59, the breath-taking scenery of Connemara  grabs you by the throat and the only thing left to do is to meander through the mountains and the lakes. You soon end up chasing the light, which plays hide and seek with the clouds.

Wonders, wonders, oh the things you will see !

There is something otherworldly about this magnificent place, it glows from the INSIDE. There is a light present there I have never seen anywhere else and it is impossible to remove your gaze from it.





Everything shines, shimmers and may it be a sunny day or a bleak winters morning…the landscape will haunt you and demand your attention.

All of it.

Connemara will never leave you cold.






Lets dream shall we !


By the time I reached my friend studio, my mind was already set:

I HAVE to convince her to allow me to organise a workshop in her studio.

Not much convincing was required and after a rather large mug of coffee, Dates and plans were forged, hands were shaken, there was no turning back.

So let’s imagine for a while,  being surrounded by the snow caped Sléibhte Mhám Toirc, the rugged beauty of the Inagh Valley, where the light,  clouds and mist fight for dominance and offers an amazing palette in full display.


 In the autumn, the mountains would change from grey to dazzling white and then glow golden orange with the descending sun.  As storm passes, the sky, which was once black tuns blue, the hills from orange, brown, red and green.  The countryside sparkle and everything contribute: The sky, the hills, lakes and rivers, stone walls and paddocks.

A feast of Light.

A rush of sensations.



I invite you to spend the week-end in the stunningly beautiful world class vista which is Connemara and discover the art of encaustic painting, an ancient painting process using molten beeswax, resins, and natural pigments.

This two day workshop in Recess, right in the heart of Connemara, with views of lakes and forest, is the perfect opportunity to take two days for yourself, to focus on your work, and take it to the next level. During the workshops, participants will be exposed to basic, intermediate, and advanced techniques in working with encaustic medium. Whether you come with a project in mind or a blank canvas, you will find support and input, from likeminded people, while being given all the skills you need for creative growth. Allow the light filled ruggedness of Connemara to inspire and generates new visions, while taking the opportunity to meet fellow artists.

We will share what inspire us

You will be shown different ways to translate it into your artworks.

Soak in the landscape, refresh and create!

Interested ?

Click the link below for all information and booking link




I look forward meeting some of you you this Autumn and share with you blissful moments of sheer unbound creativity !

Don’t forget to share the encaustic love to anyone you would think may be interested into trying their hands at this amazing process and do not hesitate to drop me a line if you wish to know more!

Have an inspired week end !



PS: I regularly post my artist process, free encaustic demonstrations, and what fires me up along the way on my blog. If you wish to be notified by email, please subscribe to my mailing list, thank you!

Oh the places you will go !

The more that you read, the more things you will know.

The more that you learn, the more places you ‘ll go

Dr. Seuss

Happy Friday !

First of all , I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has been in touch the last few days, it feels so good to be back full steam ahead in my encaustic studio and know that you are delighted of my return, feeling the love dear ones !


 Emerging from lockdown, how safe are we ?

I was also very touched by the lovely messages received about your gratitude regarding the safety measure I am putting in place during my workshops during the pandemic. My main priority for the next few months is to make sure that everybody present is safe and can enjoy the experience of pure creativity ! Do not hesitate to  contact me here  if you would like to have a more detailed outline of my hygiene protocol for all my workshops.


Oh the joy of learning!

My grandmother told me a very long time ago’ keep learning my child, it will make you go places’. And how right she was ! I get such a kick at learning new things all the time, I never get bored and this life will not be long enough for all the learning I am planning.

With so much time spent at home these days, I have learned so many new skills, ranging from beekeeping to experimenting at making soap or natural product with beeswax….the studio has been wonderfully busy and smell divine ! A creative life is a wondrous blessing.



The last couple of weeks, have been busy learning audio and video skills and I have enjoyed immensely  being part of a group of artists and creatives who have been very fortunate to learn  from the very vast expertise of  the one and only artist and video & film maker extraordinaire Michael Fortune ( you can check his fabulous work here on folklore and folk belief ).

This series of workshops which will last until mid-July, has been designed to help us creatives, to be aware and make use of the full potential of audio visual facilities, in the prospect to move our work on online platforms. This course  could not have arrived at a better time ! Those who know me, are well aware that I  have been working like a busy behind the scene here in the ‘Wild Fire and Wax’ studio in order to move my business online in a couple of months and have already started to film classes ..but more about this soon my impatient pretties, just click botton below if you would like to be notify of the launch of online classes.





But I can hear you lament…’how about us, those who still want to experience encaustic painting first hand and experience the beauty of a full day well spent creating in wondrous company … well fear not ! I will still go around Ireland and share my passion for encaustic painting with you, I love this too much to give it up !  plus nothing can beat the sheer enthusiasm of a live workshops, of the shared laughters, the inspiration, you guys fed my soul and your stories, just like this one  still makes my heart skip a beat !





Isabelle inspires creativity. She is a great artist with talent and passion and you can see it clearly while looking at her art or experiencing her teaching. She is a fantastic person to spend time with, encouraging you to experiment and test your boundaries. I strongly recommend her workshops. A relaxing experience which leaves you with craving for more.

Monica, workshop participant 2019


Keeping the best news for the end !

Today I am delighted to announce that the official registration for my summer schedule of workshops is now open for all with a delicious early bird offer!

My subscribers had a sneaky peekaboo last week at what is on offer and the seats are filling fast ( the two days encaustic retreat in Dublin only has two places left and so is the workshop taking place in east Clare)

I am blown away by the wonderful response ! So to recap, the early bird registration is on offer for one more week, and when the places are gone, well they are gone ! Click the link below to reveal the early bird coupon and dates !




I look forward meeting you this summer and share with you blissful moments of sheer unbound creativity !

Don’t forget to share the encaustic love to anyone you would think may be interested into trying their hands at this amazing process and do not hesitate to drop me a line if you wish to know more!


Have an inspired week end !



PS: I regularly post my artist process, free encaustic demonstrations, and what fires me up along the way on my blog. If you wish to be notified by email, please subscribe to my mailing list, thank you!



Go tell the bees !


I wish I could show you
when you are lonely or in darkness
the astonishing light of your own being.


I know that it has been a rather long time I have sent you some news and I am also well aware that you’ve been waiting to hear from me about the re-opening of my studio and workshops.  But until now there was so much instability going on with Covid 19 outbreak, I felt uncertain to contact you. Such dark times, have also shone the light on so much, time was needed to digest.


Slowly waking up

I’m back online after a much-needed break  that has allowed me to brew new ideas, while working in the garden tending our vegetable, flowers, and herbs. The garden has been a source of delight, keeping track with life and her tiny buds becoming blossoms, then fruits.


Among others things, we have finally taken on the much overdue project to finally build a upcycled potting shed with old windows we had had for years.


it was quite an intensive job but the result is bringing us joy each day ! Now I can watch our plants and veg grow each day from the kitchen window.






During this slow-paced time , I have spent so much times rediscovering my surroundings, the places I am blessed to call HOME: swimming in the lake daily, wandering the woods, sitting in my garden, just being in that beauty has feed my soul and inspired me.

I do believe that at times, we all need to stop, take it slow and look around and look, really look.



A new buzzzz

Have I mentioned that since the last time I sent you some news, two beehives have been trusted into our care?

Beekeeping has always been a  dream of mine.

Painting with beeswax have always stirred me to get a proper relationship with these extraordinary beings.

and boy, do they bring daily joy into our lives !

I do not believe that you truly know what LIFE smell like until you have caught the scent of the inside of a beehive.

it smell like warmth, flowers,  life, and beauty.

The way they all move together,
the sound they make has us enthralled on each of our  weekly inspection of the hives .

They dance with the sun, what more do you need to know !

Bees have so much to teach us. By the way, do you know about this beautiful ancient lore when it is customary to tel the bees of all important events in the keeper’s life, such as birth, death, marriage or departures and returns to the household. A beautiful routine which I am now obliging each and every evening. They are wonderful listeners too ! You can read more about this wondrous custom here


Studio updates


The studio has been busy too, where I managed to spend a few days a week, amidst home-schooling my teen daughter ( like so many of you, I never realised that maths, after 40 years would still make me cry, oh dear, thank the gods for gin and tonics !)


The solo show which was due to take place in Dublin this summer has been postponed until next year, however I have managed to keep my groove going during the lockdown  and have created a body of work which I am very happy with.

Looking back at them, I can actually see two streams of thoughts…


Some still have remnants of memory and longing for the sea, I was unable to go near for three months

Others, as the lockdown deepened, were directly inspired by my immediate surroundings, the deep waters, the damp earth, the giant skies,  the moon shining bright on the lake during night swimming.

And now for the big news!


I have finally had the go-ahead this week  from some of the venues in Ireland to re-open my registration ( with a delicious early bird offer )  for workshops taking place in July and August.

The workshops will obviously comply with social distancing measures, hence the reason why I will focus my schedule to workshops in Dublin, where the venue is large enough to have space between us.

Yet without affecting the joy and delight of creating together.

it somehow feels surreal  and I am beyond exited to meet ( or re-meet) some of you this summer for some furious creativity and inspiration, I am polishing my blowtorch in anticipation !



So watch this space, as I will be opening my waiting list this Friday, 19th June to my subscribers only

This will mean that you will be the first to have a sneaky peak before everybody else!

Now that’s lovely news don’t you think!

Have a wondrous and creative week!

Don’t forget to share the encaustic love to anyone you would think may be interested into trying their hands at this amazing process and do not hesitate to drop me a line if you wish to know more!

Thank you all for your wonderful support and looking forward sharing this amazing process with you in the near future!



PS: I regularly post my artist process, free encaustic demonstrations, and what fires me up along the way on my blog. If you wish to be notified by email, please subscribe to my mailing list, thank you!

Cancel the swim, go back to work !


Moment of panic

Yesterday…there was major panic in the studio!! PANIC I say!! Mad CRAZY FRENCH DRAMATIC PANIC!

Let’s go back a few steps shall we…and allow me to introduce you to a slice of my life.

Each day starts easy here in wonderland…I usually wake up early (not by choice…the pesky sun usually does a good job waking me up at ungodly hours…) and I proceed to have my first cup of coffee…this one is designed just to remember who I am, why I am here and what’s my name…not a pretty sight…but within half an hour, things get pretty clear…I need another cup of coffee..


Anyway, after a few of these delicious hot dark beverages and a quick scan of the ‘cleanliness of my house’ (who said I was not a domestic goddess??)  I do wander to the studio to switch on my hotplates…and while these little guys take their time to warm up the delicious pigmented beeswax and fill the studio with their luring scent, I go for a swim.

Those who know me do know that I am a water baby but mostly because it is beautiful here by  Lough Derg  and the lake is literally in the garden. It is also a great way to fit in some well deserved ‘me time’ (self care matters people!  here is another blog post on this matter).


Well yesterday this did not happen. Self care went out the window!


I made it to the third cup of coffee and wandered to the studio.

I switched on my laptop to do a quick check up on my website…when… chock chock HORROR! Summer schedule was sold out…


Now you may ask yourself ‘she has gone mad!! This is amazing news!’

Of course it is…don’t get me wrong; I am overwhelmed by the support and the love!Thank you so much !

But now I have no workshops, no spaces to offer to you, Firepainting enthusiasts! And my autumn schedule was supposed to be launched at the end of August…


AFTER the SWIMMING in the lake…

AFTER the holidays in FRANCE drinking pina coladas by my dad’s pool!

Cancel the swim Isa…You are going to be here for a while!



Back to the drawing board !

So I proceeded to make myself another pot of coffee, plugged myself to my laptop and switch on my left brain (appreciate the sacrifice please!) and took a long look at my calendar.


By 8 pm, there it was…the autumn schedule was now all shinny and ready to go!

By 8.30pm…I was IN the lake pretty smug with myself.


And now we breathe.


So where am I going with this?


Well my lovely fire lovers…I can now announce that the early bird registration for my autumn schedule will be available to all my faithful subscribers this Thursday at 6 pm, via my mailing list, way before everybody else . (Because I am a lovely person so I am)



What to expect this season?

I managed to fit 6 full days workshops in my studio, in east Clare, but also in Dublin, Galway and Cork! (Yeah Cork I am coming back to you gorgeousness!)

You have asked me to do other encaustic vessels workshops, and there is one too!


In my madness, I have also decided to go live via my Facebook page on Thursday morning at 11am for a little Q&A live and to announce the dates before the launch, come and join me!



And please do send me your questions about anything you would like to know about encaustic painting and never dared to ask, it will be fun….11am on Thursday, mark it on your calendars and come and say hello!

Have a wondrous and creative week!

Don’t forget to share the encaustic love to anyone you would think may be interested into trying their hands at this amazing process and do not hesitate to drop me a line if you wish to know more!

Thank you all for your wonderful support and looking forward sharing this amazing process with you in the near future!




Do you want to be part of the journey and find your flow? Are you curious about encaustic painting? Are you looking for something new to spark up your creativity this spring? Then I would love sharing with you my passion for encaustic painting!

PS: I post regularly my artist process, free encaustic demonstrations and what fires me up along the way on my blog. If you wish to be notified by email, please subscribe to my mailing list, thank you!


Disconnect to connect


“A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labour and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he always appears to be doing both.”

Lawrence Pearsall Jacks, “Education through Recreation”


Being an artist is not what it is cracked up to be at times. My fellow artistically inclined friends and followers know that producing work is only a quarter of the daily studio tasks. What is not seen or maybe acknowledged is the daily pressure of marketing, writing proposals, accountancy, replying to emails and other right brain activities which take so much time and energy…then adding the daily struggle we may have with producing the work and the dreaded creative blocks (read my last month blog post for my ways of getting out of that funk) studio life can get rather nerve-racking at times!

So once in a while it is necessary to switch off and close the door of the studio,

literally and metaphorically.

A compulsory self care break, to recharge the batteries and reconnect.







Last week, I headed for the wilderness of Andalusia for some well deserved holidays.

The idea was to switch off, drive to a charming Moorish whitewashed ‘lost’ village on the edge of the Almijara Mountain range, BREATHE deeply and do nothing remotely artistic.( Watch this little video to see the sheer beauty of the place)


Something I did in great length under the Andalusian sun.




‘Eat. Drink. Explore. Repeat’ was my motto for 4 blissful days.

I swam in hot springs, climbed little hills which filled my nostrils with the sweet smells of wild herbs, marjoram, dill, rosemary, jasmine and thyme… followed by feasts of goat and boar cooked in almonds and honey, and dipped my toes in the great Mediterranean Sea. It was bliss and the studio felt so far away. I actually did not even think about it at all. How shameful!




Yet something ELSE happened when I was not paying attention.


“I am learning to see.

I don’t know why it is,

but everything enters me more deeply and doesn’t stop where it once used to.

I have an interior that I never knew of.

Everything passes into it now.

I don’t know what happens there.”

Rainer Maria Rilke


One morning I woke up, picked up my camera and while I was still waken up and sipping on my coffee, and started taking images of random textures and colours in the courtyard of the little house which had become my temporary home.




Something stopped me in my tracks.

A realisation.




Everything around me, all the colours, textures, reminded me of the paintings I had been producing over the last few weeks. The turquoise, cobalt teal, Phthalo Blue, ultramarine, celadon and malachite, my favorite indigo and celurian blue, they were all there, all around me, vibrant and alive, freed from the bounds of Time! It could not be! How could I have imagined these in my misty, grey Irish wintery landscape??  I was literally bathing in my paintings…Suddenly, deep within, I felt a great sense of connection, of something higher, bigger than me…something which was guiding me and I felt humbled and overwhelmed by the flow of emotion right there and then.



Zdzislaw Beksinski wrote

‘I wish to paint in such a manner as if I were photographing dreams’.


I understand this now so perfectly.

For months, unknown to me, I had been painting my inner worlds, my desires and dreams of other lands. I had used the Irish landscape as my vehicle to access my inner landscape; the colours I had used or had unconsciously chosen were ‘other’, not of the visible world.  It is only at that particular moment, standing on that little yard bathed in the morning sun, that this profound realisation became clear. When we are in contact with nature’s vibrant force, engaging all of our senses, mind, spirit and soul, our visual understanding becomes sharper and we gain an understanding of nature and more importantly of ourselves.

My eyes had opened to see the world and myself as never before and I felt grateful.




You’re not really doing so in order to move around

You’re travelling in order to be moved.

And really what you’re seeing is not just the Grand Canyon or the Great Wall but some moods or intimations or places inside yourself that you never ordinarily see when you’re sleepwalking through your daily life.
 Krista Tippett, Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living



Some news


Since I have been back, recharged and boosted up, life at the Wild fire and wax studio has been busy with two exhibitions coming up; my head is spinning with joy!


Firstly, I would like to invite you to the opening of my new solo ‘Watery depths’ taking place at 7 pm on Thursday 28th February at the Snug in Mountshannon, County Clare.


You will have the opportunity to see the latest encaustic paintings I have mentioned above and some artworks which have not be shared yet,

(yes I do have secrets)….

and you will be able to meet me in the flesh.

So come over for a glass of wine and a celebration!





 Lastly, if you can’t make it that far west, I am inviting you to the opening of ‘Connected’, an upcoming exhibition, in the Copper house Gallery, featuring 12 females artists ( including myself)  who are connected via the vibrant Biscuit Community.

The opening is taking place at 6 pm on Thursday 7th March and it is promising to be a fabulous evening!



A great excuse to celebrate creativity and community!


Do you want to be part of the journey and find your flow? Are you curious about encaustic painting? Are you looking for something new to spark up your creativity this spring? Then I would love sharing with you my passion for encaustic painting!


Have a wondrous and creative week!

Don’t forget to share the encaustic love to anyone you would think may be interested into trying their hands at this amazing process and do not hesitate to drop me a line if you wish to know more!

Thank you all for your wonderful support and looking forward sharing this amazing process with you in the near future!



PS: I post regularly my artist process, free encaustic demonstrations and what fires me up along the way on my blog. If you wish to be notified by email, please subscribe to my mailing list, thank you!


The struggle is real !


I’ve been absolutely terrified every moment of my life and I’ve never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do.

Georgia O’Keefe


There is no word of a lie; the struggle was real last week. I allowed myself to get stuck in some rather muddy waters…I have no idea what happened; I was not ready for it. I took three weeks off, I was refreshed, ready to go, inspired and full of ideas, I was boosted up! I entered the studio with bravo and self confidence. And then Boom…..the FEAR…the dreaded self inflicted blockage showed his nasty big Meany face. I swear, I became the worse ‘wallower’ ever…blaming everything, ready to throw the towel and call it quit. I seriously needed to sit myself down and give myself a good talk to.


A familiar emotion?

Then stick with me…


People who know me or people who come to my workshops see me as a confident person. The fearless fiery French woman…blimey that is some reputation to live up to!  I somehow give the impression that my creative process is smooth and effortless and that the daily studio activities are humming along in a peaceful and calm way…well don’t be fooled people, I have some news for you, I am not immune to the funk. Just like ALL the artists I know, there are times when everything feels frustrating, blocked and in a tangle. The voices of my limitating beliefs are screaming louder than I wish them to be and I come to a standstill, feeling really sorry for myself.  Poor me.


But the truth is creative blocks happen all the time. We stop, we start, we get excited, we feel frustrated, we love, we fear, we despair, we win, we feel like giving up, we throw laptop on walls ( not that I am confessing this ever happened…)  BUT most importantly we keep going .


This is just the huge messy business called the creative experience. It is a necessary part of the process…so my advice is: instead of fighting it, embrace it…easier said than done, I hear you say, so here are a few tips I am applying to my daily creative practise to get of the funk, they will hopefully help you along the way.


Keep going, whatever happens

It is important to realise that, when you are feeling stuck, disheartened or on the brink of giving up, just to stay put. Keep going.

KNOW it is a transitory feeling.

Learning to work your way out of the unexpected will be a great way to empower you and built your self confidence over time. These are just ‘birthing’ pain, it is messy, frustrating, scary and frustrating…but you will make it through.



Remain in the NOW

More than likely, a blockage is a sign that we have lost touch with ourself. We may have wandered a bit too far in the big wide world of what is supposed to happen instead of being in the now. When we start to fret about the future, the ‘what if’, we lose connection to our endless supply of creative potential. The next time you sit down to create, try not to think about where you’re going.  Focus on where you are right now and enjoy it!

 Whatever’s next will come.



Take away all expectations.


“I am under no obligation to make sense to you.”

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

For the time being, separate the process from the finished product. Try not to dwell on what people, galleries, viewers, fellow artists would think about the work you do. No wonder we feel uninspired and blocked in this age of social media when we are bombarded each day with images of those who seem to ‘do better ‘ than us !This can be most difficult if we try to make a living of our work or are used to receive praise on social media, a double edge sword indeed!

As Dr. Seuss has taught us, “No one is youer than you.”  Not everybody will like you or your art.

Stay true to who you are and the rest will take care of itself.


Give your inner critic the boot


Conventional opinion is the ruin of our souls.


Self-criticism, fear and judgment from others and more importantly from ourself is one of the major block from expressing ourselves creatively. We need to make the commitment to quieten our mind and detach ourselves from these voices.  Paint like no one is watching! Paint like no one will ever see your work. Paint for yourself.

Know this is playtime.  Try not over-think or evaluate anything about your work or your thought process.

Be kind.



Shake loose of the “worry monkey”

Do anything that frees up your body and your mind. Some people do meditate or breathe deep before starting. Try singing or humming a favorite song while you move around your work space.

I have this daily ritual of playing music loudly, dance like no one is watching and sing on the top of my head before I start painting. I am no soprano, but the good news is, I have no neighbours. My dogs are my audience and they are very tolerant.

I do this for me.

I do this to release myself from myself.



Make art everyday

People exercise regularly to stay fit and keep their body supple and flexible…the creative muscles are no exceptions!

Someone told me once that I was ‘lucky’ to be paint every day. This statement got my French temper raised up no end!   Luck has nothing to do with it. I have learnt over the years that discipline and a scheduled studio time works for me. Make something artistic art every day.  When being creative becomes part of your daily routine it really takes the pressure off.  The aim is to keep that creative muscle going, not making Art. Do not put pressure on yourself. Experiment, make mistake, and keep busy.



Carve Time and show up.

You have to make the conscious decision that your creativity is important to you and that you need to set boundaries around your creative time.  Write down why you create and how it is essential to you and fix it on your studio wall where you can see it daily.  In my situation, I needed to set up a firm schedule based around school drop hours and figure out the minimum time I needed each day and more importantly ….stick to it. Ruthlessly.


It is a firm non-negotiable agreement with myself.

A priority. My creativity is worth it.

When you have allowed the time for your creativity, in time, you will be building a rhythm, a focus, space and attention for your work. Things will start to happen.

This also includes setting boundaries regarding interruptions from others and from ourselves (we can be so good at sabotaging ourselves).

  • When my studio door is closed, it stays closed.
  • Get rid of all outside distractions. Remove yourself from the phone, T.V., the computer, the dogs, and the dishes.
  • Emails, phone calls or social calls will take place outside my studio time.
  • Show up, whatever happens or not .



Give yourself a break.

Accept your mistakes. Become surprised by them. Keeps the brush, the blowtorch moving.

Remember, this is fun, this is creative, this is nurturing. Do not allow guilt to permeate and be the driving force. Make it fun, allow it to give you energy and nourish your soul. If painting is not something you feel like doing today, go for a walk, bake a cake, play with your food, make swirls in the lake and take a picture of it …break the pattern.


But Create.




I hope that these will help you in your creative endeavors! Next month I will share with you practical tips to get the creative juices flowing while painting.


So what’s been happening?

My workshops are filling up nicely and I have a little blitz early bird celebration starting today 1rst February ( until Sunday 3rd), type SPRING2019 at the checkout

and get 20% off selected workshops !

Do you want to share your thoughts or experiences with me?

I will be delighted hearing your thoughts! You can contact me here.


Do you want to be part of the journey and find your flow? Are you curious about encaustic painting? Are you looking for something new to spark up your creativity this spring? Then I would love sharing with you my passion for encaustic painting!


Have a wondrous and creative week!

Don’t forget to share the encaustic love to anyone you would think may be interested into trying their hands at this amazing process and do not hesitate to drop me a line if you wish to know more!

Thank you all for your wonderful support and looking forward sharing this amazing process with you in the near future!



PS: I post regularly my artist process, free encaustic demonstrations and what fires me up along the way on my blog. If you wish to be notified by email, please subscribe to my mailing list, thank you!



You want to set up your encaustic studio, yet don’t know where to start?

I’ve been very busy the last few weeks on my abstract encaustic pieces and the sea has been once more one the focus for my inspiration.  May she be stormy, chaotic, and calm or by night, I just cannot get enough of her to the point of obsession.  Yet I had to stop this week as I am finally planning to go to the Copper house in Dublin and have quality Giglee prints of some of my most favorite paintings, which will be available really soon on my website, how exciting!  Here are the works, I have chosen, I hope you will enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed creating them !

Ready to set up your encaustic studio,yet do not know where to start ?

The workshops have been going very well and I would like to thank you all for your emails.  One of the recurring questions I get from people is: where do you buy your tools and materials? this got me thinking and I did set up this new page on my website for those who are curious about encaustic materials or who wish to set up their own encaustic studio .You will find below a list of recommended and trusted products, books and tools which I use daily in my own studio, creation of artworks and workshops.

Please click on individual links to find out more about each product.Enjoy !



Recommended books


These are the books you can find in my studio, and they have been a never-ending source of inspiration for me and those who come to my workshops; I would highly recommend them.



Encaustic medium


Making your own encaustic medium is fun and very cost effective, using pure refined beeswax and damar resin. Follow this link for the short You Tube video where I show you how to make the medium. However, for those who do not have the time to craft it themselves, the R&F encaustic medium is of high quality and very user friendly.




These are the tools you can’t do without. I have also added my favorite blowtorches, each having its own use in the studio.


Tools & Materials


Please find below other tools you will need to create encaustic paintings


Pigments and pigment sticks


In order to color my encaustic medium I use pure powder pigments . One of my most favorite materials are the R&F pigments sticks, which are highly pigmented and which can be added effortlessly to your molten medium, try them if you can, they are divine to use and the colors are rich and vibrant. I have also added the Pearl Ex pigments which are beautifully iridescent and which can also be added to your encaustic medium.



Wood panels


I would recommend you get friendly with your local DIY shop and have MDF or plywood cut to size at a very affordable price. Alternatively, here is what you can find online.



Mixed media


I have also added this section to add materials used in mixed media techniques .


Do you still have questions?

I will be delighted helping you out, to the best of my ability of course ! You can contact me here. Here is the link to my website for the listing of resources

Do you want to be part of the journey and  find your flow? Are you curious about encaustic painting? Are you looking for something new to spark up your creativity this Autumn? Then I would love sharing with you my passion for encaustic painting !

Have a wondrous and creative week !

Don’t forget to share the encaustic love to anyone you would think may be interested into trying their hands at this amazing process and do not hesitate to drop me a line if you wish to know more!

Thank you all for your wonderful support and looking forward sharing this amazing process with you in the near future!



PS: I post regularly my artist process, free encaustic demonstrations and what fires me up along the way on my blog. If you wish to be notified by email, please subscribe to my mailing list, thank you!


The information provided in this post are designed to provide helpful information on the subject of encaustic painting. The publisher and author are in no way responsible or liable for any damage or negative consequences from any action to any person reading or seeing this information. People should read the information provided by the manufacturer of the any tool mentioned in this presentation and follow all safely measures before use.

Stop, recharge, reload


Autumn has settled and the landscape has changed radically here by the lakeshores.

This is by far my most favorite season, with her cloud-loaded skies, outbursts of copper and gold and delicious scents of turf fires in the evenings.

I have been trying to keep an healthy balance in between a heavy schedule of workshops and well overdue self care by setting up some me time wandering the woods  with my two faithful furry companions. I seemed to have gone on overdrive over the summer months and autumn is the time of the year when I am planning to slow things down to recharge and focus a bit more on my own work.


Self care

I have enjoyed my walks immensely in the nearby forest which has transformed in an aria of golden hues.

These silent times have recharged my batteries and in the same breath filled my eyes and heart with a never ending source of inspiration for future works.  Self-care is something I have paid more attention to this year, discovering that my body was an ally well worth caring for…who knew??

I actually encountered this quote recently which resonated deeply (and I hope it will for you too)

“For a woman who has chosen family as well as work, there’s never time, and yet somehow time is given to us as time is given to the man who must sail a ship or chart the stars. For most writers it takes many manuscripts before enough royalties are coming in to pay for a roof over the head and bread on the table. Other jobs must often be found to take care of bread and butter. A certain amount of stubbornness—pig-headedness—is essential. — I’m often asked how my children feel about my work, and I have to reply, “Ambivalent.” Our firstborn observed to me many years ago, when she was a grade-school child, “Nobody else’s mother writes books.” But she also said, around the same time, “Mother, you’ve been very cross and edgy with us lately, and we’ve noticed that you haven’t been writing, and we wish you’d get back to the typewriter.” A wonderfully freeing remark. I had to learn that I was a better mother and wife when I was working than when I was not.”
Madeleine L’Engle, Walking on Water

It does touch deep doesn’t it??

Maintaining this very delicate balance is a daily struggle. it can be so overwhelming at times and not many people do or want to understand how important it may be for us creatives to have that release, that time set apart, for this NEED, this insatiable hunger we feel to create whatever it may be, each and every day; without it, I am lost.

Creativity does not only limit itself to the studio, but extends to the time I have to ‘carve’ aside for daily inspiration.  Walking the woods, the lakeshores and the seashores make me sane and do feed my soul. I come back refreshed and ready to do my work which in the past few years has been inspired by the essence of the land, the sea and the skies. It is a daily promise or commitment to my work and to myself and in the same breath to my family. If I do not feed this hunger, I am becoming irritated and frustrated, something you do not want to witness in an overly passionate French woman I am telling you! A caged wild animal would be the only way to describe how it feels within. Not good. For everybody involved.

When I feel like I do not have the time to do all the things I have to do…

This is when I set the time for self-care, because these are the moments I need it the most.

These are the moments when I have to give myself permission to take a break.

Easier said than done, I know, I know .

Once you do this, you will find yourself more focused and inspiration renewed.

My family approves and breath with relief too…all is good in wonderland again.


Some studio news

I cannot believe how quickly the year went, I feel like I am part of this whirlwind of happy faces and incredible artworks done by my customers, I am forever grateful!

A little slideshow with samples of works done during the past few workshops:

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Only a few workshops left this year and then I fold in for two months off, enjoying the winter painting by my stove in my warm studio.  Life is not too bad really, no complaining here!

My autumn schedule was a great success and is now almost booked out with only three spots left for the 10th November, grab them when you can!

I am already working ‘backstage’ on dates for 2019 with workshops in Dublin, Galway , Cork and some surprises, so don’t forget to keep an eye on my blog post in January with tonnes of offers and get on my waiting list, who will have priority for all workshops before everybody else…my way of saying thank you !


Exhibition Kinvara

And lastly, I am super excited to have my work exhibited among the very talented artists of the East Clare art trail, Art in Studios, at the Secret garden Gallery in Kinvara.

And when you are visiting this beautiful part of the world, why not pushing along and go for a visit to the beautiful Burren, which does wear a symphony of gold and red at this time of the year, you will not regret it!

You may even find me there, roaming the windswept hills…Just stop and say hello if you do.

Pilgrimage to Mullaghmore, framed encaustic painting on panel, now viewable at the Secret Garden Gallery, Kinvara, county Galway.


Do you want to be part of the journey and  find your flow? Are you curious about encaustic painting? Are you looking for something new to spark up your creativity this Autumn? Then I would love sharing with you my passion for encaustic painting !

Have a wondrous and creative week !

Don’t forget to share the encaustic love to anyone you would think may be interested into trying their hands at this amazing process and do not hesitate to drop me a line if you wish to know more!

Thank you all for your wonderful support and looking forward sharing this amazing process with you in the near future!



PS: I post regularly my artist process, free encaustic demonstrations and what fires me up along the way on my blog. If you wish to be notified by email, please subscribe to my mailing list, thank you!

Facebook Live encaustic demonstration, Friday 26th January

Hi there

Well I can safely say right now that am on a roll with social media and I am super excited to introduce this new venture of mine, exploring the wonderful world of videos.  I have discovered FB Live, and what a fab tool, which allows me to talk to you about what is going on and for you to see me in action doing what I do best, play with blowtorches, molten beeswax and pigments!


I will be holding a free encaustic demonstration at 7.30pm

on Friday 26th January at the Birr Theatre and art centre for the openingof my solo show ‘Land Sea and sky’.

During this demonstration, which will last about 40 minutes, I will introduce those present to the amazing process that is encaustic painting!

You will be able to know everything you need to know about this ancient art, which involves molten pigmented beeswax; plus you will be able to watch me play with my blowtorch, such fun!

I will show you basics techniques of encaustic painting, sharing its spontaneous virtues of working with textures and colours and its versatility with building up layers.

AND I will also be able to answer all your questions!




Now, I do not expect all of you to be present physically at the opening, so as a present to all my customers and those who support my work, I will have a free FB live session on my artist page: Wild fire and wax.

Here are the few directions in order to view and not miss the FB live session of the encaustic demonstration which will take place, simultaneously next Friday, 26th April (or watch the replay):

  1. Like my page: Wild Fire and wax
  2. Go to the live video where I explain what will happen on the night. Watch replay here.
  3. In the right hand corner of the post click on the three little dots
  4. Click on Turn on Live notifications


Open the Wild fire and wax page, click under following and click all on (notifications, videos…)


It is that easy!

Hopefully I will catch you all next Friday at 7.30 PM there or online!

#keepcalmandcarryonpainting !

Best wishes,


Wild Fire & Wax studio

Land Sea and Sky and a little treat


Hi there

Christmas is looming and plenty has been going on in the

Wild Fire& wax  encaustic studio.

This week, I have been thrilled to collect and reconnect with the encaustic paintings from the exhibition ‘Land, Sea and Sky’ which have been exhibited for the last month at the Solas art gallery in County Leitrim. I had not seen them for awhile, having travelled to different galleries across Ireland over the last few months for others to see and hopefully enjoyed.

As I unwrapped each fragrant work from their protective wrapping the imagery took me daydreaming to their place of conception…the Great Sea, my most favourite subject matter which has been flowing through my work for the last few decades.



The sea calls me on a regular basis, and I tend to heed her call whenever I can escape from my daily life. I can also safely say that she definitely kept me sane over the summer when my whole world collapse on a personal level.
At time, a distant wisp of salty air carried across the land is brought to this part of Ireland, where I have been living for the last 4 months, sheltered between the mountains, the forest and the lake. This very brief wisp of salty air tends to take me by surprise as it slowly unfolds in his lingering waves memories of time past.
Having been born and raised by the sea, I have constantly hungered to see, feel, touch, smell and taste her deep waters. My purest bliss would be to swim, bathe, play and love in her velvety waves. The terrible mother tried to claim me once as a child, only to be rescued by my loving father, jumping in to prevent her waters swallowing me in the darkening abyss, claiming me.


Her salty gems have glistened on my skin and shone in my soul, I have heard her call so many times, and the rage of her waters has soothed my pains and stilled my mind in the shadiest of times.

When she calls, I pick up my camera and jump in the car. She knows the way, I can only trust. And the Burren, county Clare, is the place I always end up. Every time. The stark landscape, uncompromising, where the light pays games with the clouds, revealing world in the smallest recesses of the coves or in the depths of the ancient woods.





I have climbed the hills countless times and stood in the heights listening to the whispers of the winds and felt cleansed by the cold blustery rain.
It was only natural for me to dedicate a full series of artworks on the theme of Land, Sea and sky. In this body of work, I have been compelled to explore the primal theme of light embedded in my connection to the ever changing landscape of the Burren. Each work acts as a reflective rendition of the remarkable light value of this incredibly beautiful place, composed entirely of the environment’s three most prominent physical characteristics, the Land, the Sea and the sky. As the light shift slowly through the environment, the boundaries between each becomes increasingly blurry, each merging into the other, all becoming Light and reflections.


I strive to conjure up a sense of liminality in my paintings, where there is no separation between Land, Sea and sky, in order to ignite the imagination of the viewer while I reflect on the aesthetic power of light enhanced through layers of molten pigmented wax.
There is so much beauty in working with encaustics. The translucent layers, the smell of honey that radiates from each piece, the organic textures, and the glorious shine of each piece, I am forever in love with it.





And now here comes the good news for you my faithful subscribers. As seasonal treat, there is 15% off all week long on all the mini framed encaustic seascape which are part of the Land Sea and sky series starting immediately!

So why not treat yourself or a loved one if you are the sharing kind with a special gift made with Passion, Fire and Wax.


Use SEA2017 at checkout for 15% off your order!
Offer Valid until Sunday 3rd December 2017. Order early to ensure holiday delivery!



Thank you for your custom,





Encaustic demonstration, Signal Art centre, 28th April 2017

Hi there,

Encaustic artist, Isabelle Gaborit

Never in a million years I would have thought I would have been able to do something like this, however, if I have the choice between standing around at my own opening explaining  my painting process and getting busy doing an encaustic demonstration, ie doing what I do love best in front of an audience…Well…no real choice there.

Live demonstration it was and I went for it. The whole thing required a lot of organization, constant advertising and reminders about the time and place to watch the Facebook live stream, and all of this was way before I stood in front of the camera and…Well, hopefully not freeze or become a blabbering mess. Those who came to my workshops do know that I am a chatter box; I do love talking, especially when it is about encaustic techniques or art, my favorite subjects. But doing it in front of the camera was a different kettle of fish.

Anyhow, it all happened way too quickly, so quickly I did not get the chance to panic or retract.   The hotplates, blowtorches and other tools were just finished being set up  at the Signal art centre in Bray that the public started to float the gallery and there I was talking  in front of the audience and people who were watching online.  I actually forgot that the camera was there and utterly enjoyed the process. It happened that the video was watched by 800 people (so far), which is incredible! I am shuffled really for all your support and curiosity for this amazing medium.


Encaustic demonstration

So as a gift to all my subscribers, and all those who would like to know what the hell encaustic means, this little video is for you: the encaustic demonstration, signal art centre, on Friday 28 April. You can also view this video via my Facebook page, Wild Fire & Wax.









I would also like to remind you that I am having an early bird offer, 20% off all my summer workshops until Friday 5th May, yes tomorrow! Use the coupon SUMMER2017 at the checkout . So don’t miss this amazing offer on alternative week ends or art retreat ! For more information and booking please visit this page

Facebook Live encaustic session on Friday 28th April

Hi there


Well I can safely say right now that am on a roll with social media.  I have discovered FB Live, and what a fab tool, which allows me to talk to you about what is going on and for you to see me in action doing what I do best, set my paintings on fire !

As you may know, I am holding a free encaustic demonstration at 6.30pm on Friday 28th April at the Signal art Centre in Bray. During this demonstration, I will introduce the participants to the basics techniques of encaustic painting, sharing its spontaneous virtues of working with textures and colors and its versatility with building up layers. Now, I do not expect all of you to be present physically at the opening, so as a present to all my customers and those who support my work, I will have a free FB live session on my artist page: Wild fire and wax.

Here are the few directions in order to view and not miss the FB live session of the encaustic demonstration which will take place this Friday, 28th April (or watch the replay):


1)Like my page: Wild Fire and wax
2)Go to the live video where I explain what will happen on the night.
3) In the right hand corner of the post click on the downward arrow
5) Click on See more options
6) Click on Turn on Live notifications,

It is that easy!

Hopefully I will catch you all this Friday at 6.30 PM there or online,









Firepaint With Me


Explore the World of Encaustic Painting: From Live Workshops to Personalized Mentoring Sessions


Whether in  venues across Ireland, on an international stage, within the private haven of my encaustic studio, or through the convenience of online sessions, immerse yourself in the allure of encaustic painting—an ancient art form utilizing pigmented molten beeswax.


Testimonials Speak Louder Than Words:

“Isabelle inspires creativity. A great artist with talent and passion, evident in both her art and teaching. Spending time with her encourages experimentation and pushes boundaries. I highly recommend her workshops—a relaxing experience that leaves you craving more.” – Monica, Workshop Participant

Are you intrigued by the world of encaustic painting?

Are you an art enthusiast seeking to explore a versatile and creative process?


In my workshops, I offer a truly unique artistic experience, guiding participants to uncover their ‘fiery side’ through the mesmerizing medium of encaustic painting—a centuries-old technique involving molten pigmented beeswax and the dance of a blowtorch.

No prior experience is required! These art classes are inclusive, catering to everyone from absolute beginners to developing artists.

Throughout the workshops, I introduce participants to the foundational techniques of encaustic painting, emphasizing its spontaneous qualities in working with texture and colors, as well as its versatility in layering.

In an atmosphere filled with fun and relaxation, participants have the chance to learn easy yet impactful techniques, empowering them to create beautiful artworks to cherish. Through an experimental approach to technique and paint manipulation, each individual crafts a stunning piece, enhancing it with a diverse range of artistic techniques.

Join me on a journey of artistic exploration, where encaustic painting becomes more than a technique—it becomes a medium for self-expression and a catalyst for unleashing your creative fire.









I had the pleasure of attending an Encaustic workshop with Isabelle and I’m not sure I can find the right words to explain how much I got out of it. It ticked all the boxes. I got to spend the whole day being creative. I got to watch an artist teach what she so clearly loves and that is good for the soul… you can so easily get swept away with Isabelle’s excitement, enthusiasm and pure love for what she does and I got to be part of that, what a privilege. I got two beautiful encaustic pieces that I treasure. I got a new medium to play with, I made new friends and I most certainly got Isabelle’s contact details so I can attend the next workshop. If you want to explore your creative side, I couldn’t recommend this more. You have nothing to lose but you have all the above to gain.

Siobhan, workshop participant


Please email me for more information


questions about the various experiences.





‘Of paper and wax’, a collaborative fusion of collage and encaustics, by artists Isabelle Gaborit and Margaret Curran

In Isabelle Gaborit’s art studio located right on the scenic shore of Lough Derg, Art in Studios’ artists Isabelle Gaborit and Margaret Curran, will hold an event for culture night on Friday 16th September from 6 to 8 pm.
Participants will have the opportunity to see both artists collaborate on one piece of work using their own re14207615_1755288131377954_3853934755140928849_ospective techniques of decoupage (tissue paper and news paper and images out of magazines) and encaustics (ancient painting process using molten beeswax, resins and natural pigments.)

Original works, Prints and cards will also be available in a price range of €9 to €250. So pop along and watch the artists at work in a beautiful setting. All welcome. Free event.

Date: Friday 16th September 2016
Isabelle Gaborit encaustic studio
County Clare

Sat Nav: 52.95813928991052; -8.328859803560817
Contact: Isabelle Gaborit 0872793819
Email: isabellegaborit@gmail.com14207807_1755288104711290_8559317566206688372_o

Launch of The Romantique II, February 13th

IMG_0945Some of Isabelle Gaborit’s work will be shown at the Revival Gallery. Please join us this Saturday the 13th for the launch of ‘The Romantique II’ exhibition featuring works by Irish artists from every corner of Ireland.

Wine reception 2 – 6pm.

Exhibition runs until the 6th of March.

Opening Hours: Friday – Saturday 12 – 6pm, Sunday 2 – 6pm.

Gallery is located on Main Street, Moneygall, Co. Offaly across from Ollie Hayes Bar, 1km from M7, Junction 23